Concert reviews

Just some of the feedback we have had from our audience and supporters - thank you so much:

  • It was a delight to have St Edburg’s used for such a beautiful creation as yesterday’s performance. It was wonderful to listen to and it must have been amazing to be part of. I am sure the angels in heaven themselves were singing along at the end!

    - The Rector
  • Sincere thanks to Trinity Camerata for the opportunity to join the chorus for yesterday's Beethoven's 9th Symphony 200th anniversary performance. It was an occasion I'll remember with pleasure for a long time and one which I hope the orchestra will consider a great success.

  • Many congratulations for a truly wonderful concert. It was a great pleasure to be a part of it.

    - Ed Grint (baritone soloist)
  • Thank you for this. It was a thrilling experience, and thank you so much for organising the whole day (and the workshop) so well. All four of my family in the audience were blown away.

    - Richard
  • Please pass on my congratulations to all. It was a wonderful, uplifting hour-and-a-bit. You were very brave to take on the challenge of putting on such a big work in a space that is less than ideal, but it worked beautifully. Sam Laughton’s introduction was very enlightening and entertaining too: it makes a difference to learn something about the composer and the work before hearing it. I shall look forward to your next venture.

  • Another splendid Sunday afternoon enjoying the company of Trinity Camerata in the warm acoustics of St Edburgs Church, where the disciplined ensemble and expressive solo playing brought the music of Bach, Mozart and above all, Haydn to joyous life.

  • A really great concert, your new conductor and leader are clearly most successful. The young soloist was a privilege to hear; what a good scheme that you can access someone of that calibre, and because one hears that Haydn concerto quite often, you do appreciate when the soloist is special. I very much enjoyed the trumpets coming through in the Bach orchestral suite. And Mozart, always a joy.

    - Sue
  • My favourite piece in the programme was Haydn’s 'Cello Concerto No 1, where the young soloist, Gerard Flotats, played with such delicacy and feeling that I was moved to tears (his is a name to look out for in the future). The orchestra supported him beautifully.

  • Long live Trinity Camerata!! Thank you so much for brightening our lives! Brilliant pure joy and fun. Thank you for all your rehearsing and time spent for our enjoyment. We book our holidays around your dates so as not to miss them.

    - 2 children age 62 and 64!
  • What's the point of going to the Proms in London when we have an orchestra like this in Bicester?

  • The Trinity Camerata’s family concert was my 3yr old’s first experience of a classical concert. It was a wonderful experience. A perfectly balanced programme and just the right length for a small person. Our favourite was, of course, Bear Hunt. Lynne’s narration and the wonderful music from the orchestra was just perfection. Thank you, more please!

  • A great concert last Sunday, we did enjoy it. A well chosen mix, always good to hear Carmen, the Elgar unfamiliar but charming, and Sibelius 1st Symphony was wonderful, the orchestra took it in their stride - a lot of challenges for the woodwind and brass soloists which they rose to magnificently!  Well done all.

  • My goodness, what a concert and what would it have been without the horns? A superb afternoon and a therapeutic way to celebrate Mothering Sunday.

  • The Namensfeier (“Nameday”) Overture was new to me and played with delicacy; the Siegfried Idyll almost moved me to tears, and the start of the Brahms 1 caught my attention and captivated me throughout the piece. Joshua Asokan conducted the programme with energy and commitment. Bravo Trinity Camerata!

  • Wow, we did it! Despite our leader catching covid this week and different members off for each rehearsal, what a fantastic performance. Wonderful to see the church full and with such smiles on audience and players faces.

    - Zoe
  • It was a fantastic concert, so many spine-tingling moments, I couldn't stop smiling. You really are an amazing group, and I love everything you do.

  • I defy anyone NOT to have thoroughly enjoyed today's concert

  • The best Trinity concert I've heard to date

  • The orchestra and soloist played their socks off!

  • The orchestra were wonderful, and I was delighted to have come as I've not heard this group before.